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About Forética
Forética is the leading organization in sustainability and corporate social responsibility in Spain. Its mission is to integrate social, environmental and good governance aspects into the strategy and management of companies and organizations. It currently has more than 200 members.
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At Forética we help you to integrate environmental, social and good governance aspects into your into the strategy and management of your company or organization.

We are the representative of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) in Spain and we are leading the Spanish Business Council for Sustainable Developmentcomposed of the Presidents and CEOs of major Spanish companies, who have recently launched the 'Vision 2050. Vision 2050. The time for transformation' in Spain. in Spain.

In addition, in Europe, we are the national partner of CSR Europe and we are part of the Spanish CSR State Council.

Forética was founded in 1999. Subsequently, we launched the SGE 21 Standardthe first ethical and socially responsible management system. Today, more than 150 companies and organizations are certified with the Standard in Spain and Latin America.

In 2024 we are celebrating our 25th Anniversary together with the more than 200 member companies and organizations of Forética.

If you want to know more about the value we can bring to you and your company or organization, we invite you to check out the work we do in our ESG Projects and our Solutions.



Promote the integration of social, environmental and good governance aspects in the strategy and management of companies and organizations.


Maximize the positive contribution of companies and organizations to achieve a sustainable future.

Forética. Objectives


Responsibility, innovation, commitment and trust.

Since 2009, Forética has been audited annually by an independent third party in accordance with the SGE 21 Standard. Some of the requirements that Forética complies with, in accordance with the SGE 21 are, for example, the definition of a Sustainable and Responsible Management Policy, a Code of ConductCode of Conduct, a Code of Good Governance or an Anti-Corruption Policy.

As part of its commitment to transparency, Forética has been publishing its activity report since 2004. Since 2006 it has been prepared in accordance with GRI criteria. You can consult the 2022 Report y here the different editions of the Report. In addition, since 2005 Forética has presented the Global Compact Progress Report.

Other documents: Corporate Volunteer Policy, Bylaws and Internal Regulations.

Forética also makes available to all its stakeholders an ethical channel (through the e-mail address: which allows all those who so require to confidentially expose and communicate irregular conduct, in their opinion, related to a breach of this Code or to alert on other aspects that may be considered a malpractice as an organization.