ESG Spain 2024

Watch the video with audio in English here


ESG Spain 2024: Corporate Sustainability Forum' is the annual event of reference in corporate sustainability in Spain, organized by Forética.

Este jueves, 12 de septiembre de 2024, celebramos la duodécima edición de esta cita ineludible para directivos y expertos en sostenibilidad, en la que ademas se celebra el 25º Aniversario de Forética.

La cita reúne a líderes de opinión nacionales e internacionales para analizar las tendencias del presente y futuro de la Sostenibilidad, alineadas con los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS).

From a business perspective, the main trends in the social, environmental and good governance fields are addressed, which will lay the foundations for a common challenge: to achieve a sustainable future.

Consulta el Programa completo y los Ponentes.

With the collaboration of:

Sustainable Event

Why is #ESGSpain2024 a sustainable event?
  • We hire suppliers that include sustainability criteria in their operations and we encourage them to do so, accompanying them in this process: catering, furniture, event venue and support staff.
  • We use a powerful scenography based on audiovisual elements whenever possible, avoiding the use of materials that are difficult to recycle.  
  • The event is 100% paper less. All communication before, during and after the event will be done electronically.
  • Under the philosophy of not wasting any food, we optimize the catering quantities as much as possible. In addition, we have a zero plastic policy and always use reusable and recyclable materials (cardboard and glass, above all).  
  • We organize the event in a venue accessible by public transportation.
  • Como parte de nuestro compromiso ambiental, compensamos las emisiones de CO2 generadas por los asistentes, pidiendo que cumplimenten una encuesta sobre sus desplazamientos. Forética compensará las emisiones generadas no sólo durante ese día, sino en el año 2024.

Communication Department

Rocío Buendía
Director of Communications and IR
Natalia Montero
Communications Senior Manager
Pablo Rodriguez
Digital Communications Manager
Esther Gomez
Communication and Events Technician
Pablo Fernandez
Communication and Events Technician
Pablo Rodriguez
Digital Communications Manager

We are in contact

If you have any doubts or questions related to this event, please write to or fill out the following form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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