Challenges and opportunities of Responsible Artificial Intelligence in the era of sustainability.

At Forética we have the enormous responsibility of guiding companies and organizations of all sectors and sizes in ESG criteria (Environment, Social Impact and Governance), always aligned with market trends and society in general.

Therefore, it is essential this space, which we have called 'AI ON ESG: Challenges and opportunities of Responsible Artificial Intelligence in the era of sustainability', in which we can discuss about the advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI), a technology that has come to stay, fulfilling an absolutely transformative role and with great potential to enrich our lives not only professionally but also personally.

It is also important to recognize that the speed of the emergence of AI, specifically Generative AI, also brings with it challenges that must be contemplated, anticipated, and that require urgent measures that have to do, in particular, with ethics, with responsible use by all parties, as well as with regulations that protect people and organizations.

We believe that, through the different voices - from Forética members and also from external experts, such as academics and third sector entities - we will be able to help generate conversation and learn about different reflections and perspectives that will enlighten us on this path that we must take together to make the most of a promising future.

Como continuidad a esta amplia reflexión, el Consejo Empresarial Español para el Desarrollo Sostenible, en la reunión ejecutiva anual celebrada en febrero de 2024, presentó una declaración proponiendo 5 principios de IA responsable, ratificados posteriormente por la Junta Directiva de Forética.

Fruto de este trabajo y gracias a la colaboración de empresas y organizaciones socias de Forética presentamos el siguiente Manifiesto y animamos a apoyar sus principios:

Como siguientes pasos, Forética pondrá en marcha una comunidad de práctica para el desarrollo y mejora continua de políticas corporativas que permitan respaldar estos principios de IA responsable y sostenible y transformarlos en acción.

By Alberto Granados, President, Forética and Spanish Business Council for Sustainable Development | President, Microsoft Spain

History offers an important and repeated lesson about the promise and challenge of new technologies. Since the invention of the printing press around 1450 by the German goldsmith Johannes Gutenberg, societies have been faced with the need to decide whether to accept or reject new inventions.

Governance Aspects

Mercedes Oblanca, President of Accenture in Spain and Portugal, highlights the need for collaboration to lay the foundations for a technology with enormous potential.

José Ignacio Goirigolzarri, Chairman of Caixabank, considers it essential to have good internal governance of all AI initiatives and an ethical framework for their implementation.

Javier Fontcuberta, Managing Director of Cuatrecasas, proposes law as a tool to effectively face the challenges posed by Artificial Intelligence.

Luis Furnells, Presidente Ejecutivo de Grupo Oesía, considera la IA una tecnología crítica para el desarrollo y la prosperidad de la sociedad actual, y aplicable a todas las industrias y todos a los ámbitos económicos.

Juanjo Cano, President of KPMG in Spain, reflects on the advances we are already seeing today in ESG and Artificial Intelligence.

Carlos Núñez, Chairman and CEO of PRISA Media, is committed to taxonomizing content creators who work for coexistence and incorporating democracy into sustainability criteria. 

Eduardo San Miguel, CEO of Técnicas Reunidas, comments on the need to use data and AI at the corporate level, assessing the possible impacts and developing a robust and transparent data governance system.

José Luis Bonet, President of the Spanish Chamber of Commerce, defends the central role of people when talking about digital transformation.

Xavier Gangonells, CEO of AED, embraces the advent of AI from the managerial level under a sensible regulation that guarantees its ethical and responsible use, continuous training and a strategic vision that allows to take advantage of its full potential.

Lucía Velasco, Member of the Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence, discusses the importance of the ethical and responsible aspects of AI to achieve a better and more equitable world.

José Luis Fernández, director of the Iberdrola Chair of Economic and Business Ethics at the Universidad Pontificia de Comillas, reflects on the possibilities of using AI to solve the most intricate problems of our time

Joan Fontrodona, Professor of Business Ethics and CaixaBank Chair of Sustainability and Social Impact at IESE Business School, identifies ethics as an element that offers some principles that can guide the development and application of AI.

Mario Lara, Director of Esade Madrid and the Center for Corporate Governance, and Néstor Salcedo, Researcher at the Center for Corporate Governance, present an interesting article on the governance of AI by Boards of Directors.

Lucía Velasco, Member of the Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence, discusses the importance of the ethical and responsible aspects of AI to achieve a better and more equitable world.

José Luis Fernández, director of the Iberdrola Chair of Economic and Business Ethics at the Universidad Pontificia de Comillas, reflects on the possibilities of using AI to solve the most intricate problems of our time

Social Aspects

Javier Bardají, CEO of Atresmedia Corporación, points out human trust as the key and backbone in the integration of AI in society.

Alberto Durán, First Vice-President of the ONCE Social Group, defends Artificial Intelligence as an effective and ethical element of inclusion.

José Manuel González Huesa, Managing Director of Servimedia, assesses how artificial intelligence will affect journalistic work: benefits, risks and possibilities.

Leonardo Marcos González, Director General of the Civil Guard, talks about the potential of Artificial Intelligence applied to the field of public safety.

Aline Gómez-Acebo, Director of Sustainability at the ASISA Group, shares some of the many improvements in the efficiency of healthcare services related to the application of AI in different processes.

Senén Ferreiro, Socio y Presidente Ejecutivo de Valora Consultores, aborda las posibilidades de la IA para la medición del impacto en los Derechos Humanos de aquello que consumimos.

Enrique Goñi, Fundador del «Instituto Hermes» y Presidente de su Patronato, habla sobre la necesidad de regular la IA para reducir sus riesgos y garantizar un impacto beneficioso en la sociedad.

Mariano Sanz, confederal secretary of Occupational Health and Environmental Sustainability of CCOO, reviews four points for reflection on the conjunction of artificial intelligence and working conditions.

Fernando Móner, President of AVACU and member of the Board of Directors of CECU, advocates for an active participation of consumer associations and civil society in this digital transformation.

Ricardo Palomo, Professor and Dean at CEU San Pablo University and Rector's Delegate for Digital Transformation, discusses the role of education in the development of artificial intelligence.

Belén López, Professor at ESIC University, reflects on the impact that AI can have on education, its possibilities and its risks.

Senén Ferreiro, Socio y Presidente Ejecutivo de Valora Consultores, aborda las posibilidades de la IA para la medición del impacto en los Derechos Humanos de aquello que consumimos.

Mariano Sanz, confederal secretary of Occupational Health and Environmental Sustainability of CCOO, reviews four points for reflection on the conjunction of artificial intelligence and working conditions.

Fernando Móner, President of AVACU and member of the Board of Directors of CECU, advocates for an active participation of consumer associations and civil society in this digital transformation.

Ricardo Palomo, Professor and Dean at CEU San Pablo University and Rector's Delegate for Digital Transformation, discusses the role of education in the development of artificial intelligence.

Environmental Aspects

Sergio Menéndez, Presidente de CEMEX Europa, Oriente Medio, África y Asia (EMEA), considera la inteligencia artificial como una oportunidad sin precedentes para la industria de la construcción en su conjunto.

Horacio Morell, President of IBM Spain, Portugal, Greece and Israel, discusses the need to adapt to take advantage of AI to meet the environmental challenges of today and tomorrow.

Ignacio Elola, CEO of Lactalis Iberia Group, highlights the incorporation of AI as a key element to guarantee such a basic right as the right to food and for the economy of many countries.

Idoia Salazar, Founder and President of the Observatory of the Social and Ethical Impact of Artificial Intelligence (OdiseIA), advocates forging a future where technology works in harmony with our environment and society.

Jaime Velasco, CEO y cofundador de GoSupply, habla sobre las grandes capacidades que muestra la Inteligencia Artificial en el aprendizaje y generación de ideas y estrategias, que la convierte en una gran aliada para el enorme reto de la gestión y consecución de los objetivos medioambientales a los que se enfrenta la sociedad.

José Manuel González Huesa, Managing Director of Servimedia 

Cognitive engagement

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Cognitive engagement

Lorem fistrum for the glory of my mother esse jarl aliqua llevame al sircoo. De la pradera ullamco qué dise usteer está la cosa muy malar.

Cognitive engagement

Lorem fistrum for the glory of my mother esse jarl aliqua llevame al sircoo. De la pradera ullamco qué dise usteer está la cosa muy malar.

The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), which came into force in June, will require some 50,000 companies operating in the European Union (EU) to report on the footprint...

Cognitive engagement

Lorem fistrum for the glory of my mother esse jarl aliqua llevame al sircoo. De la pradera ullamco qué dise usteer está la cosa muy malar.

Cognitive engagement

Lorem fistrum for the glory of my mother esse jarl aliqua llevame al sircoo. De la pradera ullamco qué dise usteer está la cosa muy malar.