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Sustainable Development Goals

Forética contributes to the achievement of the SDGs from different perspectives:

At the national level

Forética coordinates the Sustainability and CSR in Public Companies Action Group, which supports the public business sector in the integration of the SDGs. In addition, we generate knowledge and analyze the progress and contribution to the 2030 Agenda of the Spanish business sector through annual publications.


We transfer to the Spanish context the latest developments and trends in sustainability at regional level, with a special focus on the European Green Pact, the European strategy for sustainable growth. In addition, as a national partner of CSR Europe, we collaborate in various initiatives such as the European SDG Summit, which is held annually.

Goals, Clusters, SDG1


We collaborate in the SDG Business Hub platform of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), which includes tools and reference documents to help companies contribute to the SDGs. Alliances Establishment of alliances and generation of spaces for dialogue between benchmark organizations, public administration, experts and other stakeholders in the field of urban sustainability.

Resources of interest

CEO Guide
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SDG Essentials for Business
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Sector roadmaps
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Sustainable Development Report 2020
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SDG 2020 Report
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The Decade of Action
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The Global Hub for Real-Time SDG Data
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Project Managers

Irene Alcocer
Project Manager

We are in contact

If you have any doubt or question related to this project, write us and we will answer you as soon as possible.

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