In this context, one of the transformation routes proposed by the Vision 2050, launched by the WBCSD at a global level and by Forética in Spain, focuses precisely on the alimentation and aims to achieve a regenerative and equitable food system that produces healthy, safe and nutritious food by 2050 with business involvement.
In its second year year, the initiative has again with Grupo Cooperativo Cajamar
as a facilitator and driver, and a group of leading companies, Heineken, Lactalis, Nauterra and Nestlé who, together with companies and organizations belonging to the food systems value chain, will have the opportunity to work on the key issues, challenges and opportunities to achieve transformation.
Among the main milestones, the following are established:
- Contribute to the sustainability of the sector and in Spain in line with the European strategy Farm to Fork and Vision 2050.
- To drive ambition, promote action and build alliances between companies and organizations in the food value chain.
- Learn the challenges and opportunities under key action areas for transforming sustainable food and beverage systems.
- To deepen good practices and solutions along the value chain.
- Identify projects and techniques that, through sustainable production models, generate a positive impact on nature and climate change.
- To demonstrate the commitment and results of Spanish companies in the areas of action planned for the 2020-2030 period.
Leading Companies

Participating Companies

In this second edition, the initiative will enter in detail on three of the five thematic axes defined in the first year: the value chain, the sustainable production models, and nature and climate change., delving more deeply on the challenges y opportunityes that arise, making visible good practices y solutions implemented in in Spain and acting as a catalyst acting as a catalyst for the transformation transformation.
Driving ambition
To be an inspiration and driver for the transformation of the food sector in terms of sustainability, according to Vision 2050.
Lead by example, making visible the positive results and impacts that are being achieved.
To be the benchmark in Spain in terms of transformation for sustainability in the food sector.
Strengthening alliances
Exchange experiences and generate solutions based on the collaboration between the agents involved in the food sector, which are catalysts for progress towards Vision 2050.
Collaborate and dialogue with public administrations and opinion leaders to provoke positive impacts in the global context.

Accelerate action
To transfer to the Spanish context the main trends, challenges and opportunities identified worldwide from the perspective of sustainability in food systems.
Contribute through studies, positioning and practical solutions to generate greater knowledge by the business community to accelerate the necessary transformation.
At the first edition, the initiative focused focused on those key pointskey points to achieve the transformation of the food system by 2050, starting from the assessment and evaluation of the current context in Spain and focusing on the value of business action as a catalyst for transformation.The first edition of the initiative focused on the key points to achieve the transformation of the food system by 2050, starting from the assessment and evaluation of the current context in Spain and focusing on the value of business action as a catalyst for transformation.
Durante la COP celebrada en Bakú (Azerbaiyán) entre el 11 y el 22 de noviembre de 2024, desde Forética tuvimos la oportunidad de presentar el trabajo de la iniciativas Sistemas Alimentarios Sostenibles en el evento ‘Food security in a changing climate: The most innovative solutions for sustainable agriculture’, que tuvo lugar en el Spanish Pavillion:
Project Managers
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If you have any doubt or question related to this project, write us and we will answer you as soon as possible.