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Circular Economy Action Group
Forética. Circular Economy Action Group

The Circular Economy Action Group is the business initiative promoted by Forética in Spain whose objective is to lead the transition of companies towards a circular economy model, working around three objectives: to boost ambition, accelerate action and strengthen alliances.

Companies that make up the Circular Economy Action Group


Driving ambition

by highlighting the commitment of the participating companies and giving visibility to their actions in order to call other organizations to action

Accelerate action

by presenting the business case of the transition for companies, the main trends in the field, as well as the tools to move towards a circular economy model.

Strengthening alliances

as public administrations and opinion leaders to contribute to Spain's transition to a circular economy.

VII Edition: 2023-2024

Driving circular transformations

This edition of the Task Force aims to align with Vision 2050, in which the circular economy plays a key role in seven of its nine transformation pathways.

To this end, the main objective of this edition is to promote the transformation of the Group's member companies. This will be done through the analysis of the current barriers that hinder the progress of the circular economy in Spain, the identification of the most relevant trends in this field and the strengthening of alliances oriented towards a more transformative vision.

Aspects to work on:

Identify the main barriers encountered by organizations in waste management in Spain.

Search for solutions to the identified barriers.

Identify potential alliances that allow a tangible improvement in the circular economy of the Group's organizations.

Identification and monitoring of regulations and trends in the circular economy.

The planned milestones are as follows:

Launch of a reference publication.

Conducting private meetings and workshops for the Group's companies.

Celebration of the Circular Economy Business Forum 2024.

Visibility of commitment, objectives and good business practices.

Sending of circular trends with the main news on the subject.

Public-private collaboration actions.

Forética's Circular Economy Action Group began its activity in 2017 with the aim of leading the transition of companies towards a circular economy model. In each edition, the Group has focused on the most relevant topics to foster that transition:

  • I Edition (2017-2018): the Group worked on identifying the business case and business opportunities linked to the transition towards a circular economy model.
  • II Edition (2018-2019): the keys to measuring business circularity were analyzed to measure progress in the transition from a linear model to a circular model.
  • III Edition (2019-2020): in response to one of the most pressing environmental challenges we face, Group companies worked on how to move towards a new plastics economy.
  • Edition IV (2020-2021): the Group has worked on moving towards maximum circular ambition as part of the transformation needed for the decade of action.
  • V Edition (2021-2022): during the V Edition the objective has been to advance in the knowledge of innovation and financing as two of the pillars for circular transformation.
  • VI Edition (2022-2023): the Group has made progress in the knowledge of circular measurement indicators, through the CTI (Circular Transition Indicators) tool of the WBCSD.

Forética is a member of the Circular Economy Advisory Council of the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, which aims to collaborate in the implementation, monitoring, review and development of annual proposals within the framework of the Spanish Circular Economy Strategy.

On the other hand, as representative in Spain of the WBCSD, Forética actively collaborates with this organization on circular economy issues, either at a general level or on specific matters such as the Circular Transition Indicators (CTI) measurement tool. 



Project Managers

Pablo Garcia
Senior Manager
Irene Alcocer
Senior Manager
Jaime de la Hoz
Project Manager

We are in contact

If you have any doubts or questions related to this Action Group, write to us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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