The Responsible Artificial Intelligence initiative is a work platform promoted by Forética , which aims to promote the ethical use of artificial intelligence in companies and organizations.
Leading Companies

Participating Companies

Driving ambition
Promote the commitment of companies and reference organizations to the use of responsible artificial intelligence.
Strengthening alliances
Strengthen alliances through collaboration with opinion leaders, national and international public-private alliances.

Accelerate action
To be a meeting point in the business world, giving visibility, generating knowledge and establishing a roadmap for the transition towards business sustainability.
Durante la edición de 2024-2025 se propone crear una comunidad de práctica para abordar los retos e impactos ESG de la inteligencia artificial, así como las oportunidades que plantea como una de las palancas fundamentales para fomentar la transición hacía la sostenibilidad empresarial.
With a focus on exchange and learning, work will also be done on the continued development of the Responsible Artificial Intelligence Manifesto, ensuring that its principles are aligned with current regulations and key trends.
- February 20. 1st private session with exclusive access for participating companies focused on analyzing trends and understanding the regulatory context around AI, identifying its risks and opportunities at the governance level .
- April 29. The 1st Spanish Forum on Artificial Intelligence and Sustainability will be held with high-level speakers, institutional participation, and a public-private dialogue. The event will feature multi-sector business representation, highlighting best practices at the nexus between sustainability and AI.
- July 3. 2nd private session with exclusive access for participating companies. The main trends, impacts and opportunities that AI poses in the social sphere will be analyzed .
- October 23. 3rd private session with exclusive access for participating companies focused on analyzing the main trends, impacts and opportunities that AI poses at an environmental level.
Forética collaborates with business and institutional leaders that promote and advance high- value joint initiatives in the field of artificial intelligence and sustainability. Through the Responsible AI initiative , we strengthen collaboration with key institutions such as the Ministry for Digital Transformation and the Spanish Agency for the Supervision of Artificial Intelligence (AESIA). In addition, Forética is part of the network of collaborators of the National Green Algorithms Program (PNAV) , an ecosystem dedicated to the sustainable development of artificial intelligence .
Project Managers
We are in contact
If you have any doubt or question related to this cluster, please write to us and we will answer you as soon as possible.