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Manifesto for a Responsible and Sustainable Artificial Intelligence
We reaffirm our commitment to Artificial Intelligence that is respectful of people, society and the planet and is well governed. is respectful of people, society and the planet and is well governed.
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In the era of sustainability and digital transformation, we must lead the way to a future where Artificial Intelligence (AI) generates positive impact on the planet, people and society.

Forética proposes five principles and concrete specifications that companies and organizations should consider as a guide on their path to responsible and sustainable AI.


Align the development and/or use of AI products products with the achievement of zero net greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions targets.

    • AI energy consumption will be reduced by incorporating environmental sensitivity into data processing, model selection and training, or computational resource selection. Organizations will keep up to date on environmental sustainability best practices in AI development and use to align with the company's Net Zero strategy.

    • GHG emissions associated with AI will be reduced by using renewable energy, embedded low-emission hardware or software and hardware services that already ensure minimization or neutrality of GHG emissions.


Aligning the development and/or use of AI products with nature restoration objectives

    • The hardware and software resources or services used by the AI will reduce water consumption, water and soil pollution, as well as solid waste generation.


Promote that the development and/or use of AI products is ethical, transparent, reliable, safe and respectful of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

    • AI products that interact with humans will prioritize being designed and implemented so that humans know they are interacting with AI.

    • Visibility of data management (interpretability) will be ensured, maximizing explainability, and allowing a clear understanding of the use and results obtained or decisions made by the use of AI.

    • Robustness and accuracy consistent with the results obtained or decisions made by the use of AI will be the norm.

    • AI products will protect the security and privacy of both data and individuals, use data (capture, collection permission, processing or creation) lawfully, responsibly and in accordance with sound governance and management practices.

    • AI products will be developed taking into account ethics and rights of use (intellectual property) and will be appropriate for the context of use (suitability).

    • AI products will have the necessary levels of robustness, resilience and cybersecurity, maintaining them throughout their lifecycle.

    • It will invest in a workforce trained in the responsible use of AI and prepared for the future by developing and acquiring new knowledge and skills in responsible AI.

    • The corporate culture will encourage responsible use of AI at all levels of the organization.

    • The generation of alliances and knowledge spaces among organizations and for society on the responsible use of AI will be promoted .


Integrate in the development and/or use of AI products the contribution to inclusion, equality, diversity and the elimination of any form of discrimination.

    • Companies will assess the impact of the use of AI on different stakeholders and promote that AI products are accessible and inclusive for all people, including the most vulnerable groups.

    • AI will generate reasonable and fair outcomes by relying on inclusive and diverse teams to mitigate the potential for unfair bias, unconscious discrimination or other unintended negative consequences.


Operate and use AI products in accordance with principles of good governance and mindful of the responsibilities involved.

    • Existing governance and risk management structures will be adapted to mitigate AI risks throughout the organization.

    • Responsible AI and data use practices will be adopted to uphold accountability, auditability, traceability, and continuous compliance and performance monitoring of AI products.

    • AI products will enable effective monitoring and control by people in their use.


By supporting this Manifesto, we reaffirm our commitment to Artificial Intelligence that is respectful of people, society and the planet and is well governed. With this in mind, and adapted to the context of each organization and sector, we will work on the development and continuous improvement of corporate policies to support these principles and transform them into action.

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See the Manifesto in PDF

Download the Manifesto for an Artificial, Responsible and Sustainable Intelligence in PDF format.