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Management Committee

Germán Granda

Chief Executive Officer

Germán Granda es socio fundador y director general de Forética. Además, es Secretario del Consejo Empresarial Español para el Desarrollo Sostenible, vocal del Consejo Estatal de RSE del Ministerio de Trabajo y Economía Social de España y Patrono de la Fundación Bequal. Ha colaborado durante los últimos 20 años en fortalecer los programas de responsabilidad social y sostenibilidad de empresas tanto en España como a nivel internacional, así como en el desarrollo de estándares internacionales en la materia y políticas de promoción de sostenibilidad de Gobiernos, sectores empresariales y entidades públicas. Es Doctor en Ciencias Económicas por la Universidad de Comillas (ICADE), licenciado en Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales (CUNEF) y en Ciencias Políticas y Sociología (UNED). Además, posee un MSc. en Estrategia Empresarial y Desarrollo Sostenible (Universidad de Bradford, UK) y varios programas ejecutivos en el MIT, IE y el IESE. Es autor de más de 200 artículos e informes sobre la temática de RSE y sostenibilidad, así como profesor asociado en escuelas de negocio como el Instituto de Empresa (IE), EOI y ESAN (Perú). Ha sido miembro del Consejo de administración de CSR Europe y Secretario General de Spainsif (Foro español de Inversión Socialmente Responsable).

Jaime Silos

Director of Corporate Development

Jaime Silos has completed extensive training in the field of business management and finance. He holds an Executive Certificate from MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), an MBA from Instituto de Empresa (Madrid). He holds a Master's Degree in Financial Markets from the Instituto de Estudios Bursátiles and a Law Degree from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. As Director of Corporate Development, he is responsible for product and service strategy and financial management. Jaime Silos leads Forética's research line through the Forética Report and RSEarch. Silos has been president of Spainsif, the Spanish sustainable investment forum between 2015 and 2019. Over the last few years he has accumulated extensive experience in social responsibility in a wide variety of sectors and functions.

Ana Herrero

Director of Sustainable Transformation

Ana Herrero holds an MBA from the Instituto de Empresa (Madrid), a master's degree in Environmental Management and Control from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and a degree in Environmental Sciences from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Since 2005 she has developed her professional career in Forética. During the first years she specialized in social responsibility management systems, managing the processes linked to the SGE 21 standard. Since 2011, as Director of Projects and Services, she is in charge of the planning and coordination of this area as well as participating in technical assistance, training and research projects developed by Forética. She is responsible for the environmental area of the association, having led projects such as Responsible with Biodiversity, the launch of the Climate Change Cluster and various collaborations with leading entities in this field.

Human Capital Management

Ricardo Trujillo
Director of Social Impact and Human Capital

Ricardo Trujillo

Director of Social Impact and Human Capital

Ricardo Trujillo holds a degree in Law and Business Administration from the Public University of Navarra and a Master's degree in International Business Management from the Center for Economic and Commercial Studies. He has a Program for Management Development from ESADE. At Forética he is Director of Social Impact and Human Capital. He also coordinates various international projects and leads the development of technical projects, training courses and research reports on different topics.

Communications Management

Rocío Buendía
Director of Communications and Institutional Relations

Rocío Buendía

Director of Communications and Institutional Relations

Rocío Buendía holds a degree in Audiovisual Communication from the Complutense University of Madrid. She has extensive experience in corporate communication, development of communication strategies and crisis management. At Forética, she holds the position of Director of Communication and Institutional Relations, from which she coordinates the areas of Communication, Digital Strategy, Events and Institutional Relations, implementing and developing reputation and positioning strategies.

Partner Experience Management

Ana Gomez
Director and Partner Experience

Ana Gomez

Director of Member Experience

Ana Gómez holds a degree in Environmental Sciences from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, and a Master's Degree in Quality Management and Business Excellence from the EOI Business School and a Business Consulting and Advisory Program at the same business school. Before joining Forética, Ana has developed her professional career in the management of Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability projects, both for large and small companies and non-profit organizations, focusing on areas as diverse as the development of plans and strategies, non-financial reporting, stakeholder management, strategic investment in the community, studies, among others. Currently, in his role as Project Manager, he is part of the development of the social area within the organization, as well as conducting research reports and technical projects for companies and organizations.

Development Department

Blanca Andres
Operations Manager

Blanca Andres

Operations Manager

Blanca Andrés holds a Master's Degree in Protocol and Institutional Relations from the International School of Protocol and a Bachelor's Degree in Information Sciences, in the field of Advertising and Public Relations, from the Complutense University of Madrid. She began her professional career in the advertising and social services sector, developing the functions inherent to her degree, to later explore other areas of work within the purchasing and property department of a multinational services company. As Operations Manager at Forética, she is responsible for the coordination of technical and economic resources, treasury control and support to management areas. She also actively participates in different transversal projects, such as the development of the competency map, management of HR technical processes or the elaboration of the organization's Code of Good Governance.

Communication Department

Natalia Montero
Communications Senior Manager and Head of National Alliances

Natalia Montero

Communications Senior Manager and Head of National Alliances

Natalia Montero es Licenciada en Periodismo por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid y Máster en Dirección de Comunicación, Relaciones Públicas y Protocolo por la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos y ESERP Business School. Cuenta además con un Posgrado en Dirección de Asuntos Públicos por la Universidad Pontificia de Comillas (ICADE) y un Programa de Gestión Estratégica y Liderazgo Social por el IESE. Con anterioridad a su experiencia en Forética, trabajó en medios de comunicación y en comunicación corporativa, vinculada tanto a empresas como a organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro. Actualmente, como Senior Manager de Comunicación de Forética, es responsable de la implementación del Plan de Comunicación y Relaciones Institucionales, con foco en la estrategia de alianzas nacionales.
Pablo Rodriguez
Head of Digital Communication and Design

Pablo Rodriguez

Digital Communications Manager

Pablo Rodríguez es Doble Graduado en Comunicación Audiovisual y Administración y Dirección de Empresas por la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, y Máster en Dirección y Gestión de Comunicación Digital por la IM Digital Business School. Además, cuenta con formación en Comunicación Corporativa por la University of California. A lo largo de su carrera profesional ha adquirido una amplia experiencia en el mundo de la comunicación, donde ha desempeñado tareas en diferentes áreas, tanto en PR como el ámbito digital y de redes sociales. Antes de incorporarse a Forética trabajó durante varios años en la agencia de comunicación Atrevia, formando parte de proyectos 360º. Posee también experiencia previa como cámara de televisión y colaborador en medios digitales. En la actualidad forma parte del Departamento de Comunicación de Forética como Responsable de Comunicación Digital y Diseño.
Esther Gomez
Communication and Events Technician

Esther Gomez

Communication and Events Technician

Esther Gómez Montenegro holds a degree in Journalism from Universidad Rey Juan Carlos and a Master's degree in International Journalism from the same university. She began her professional career at major news agencies such as Europa Press and Agencia EFE. In addition, she was editor of a digital magazine of international contents in which she was able to cover some milestones of great impact. Before joining Forética, she worked in the Communication department of a private company where she developed tasks of this department such as monitoring and creating communication plans, writing content or organizing events. Currently, she is part of Forética's Communication Department as a Communication and Events Technician.
Pablo Rodriguez
Head of Digital Communication and Design

Pablo Fernandez

Communication and Events Technician

Pablo Fernández Fernández holds a degree in Marketing from Universidad Rey Juan Carlos and a Master's Degree in Protocol Management, Production, Organization and Event Design from Universidad Camilo José Cela. He also has a degree in Corporate Communication from the University of Riverside. Prior to joining Forética, he worked in the logistics sector, in the aviation sector and in consulting. She is currently a communications and events technician and is responsible for the organization and coordination of online, offline and hybrid events, as well as the implementation of the Communication Plan.

Departamento de Transformación Sostenible

Beatriz Laso
Project Manager

Beatriz Laso

Senior Manager

Beatriz Laso holds a Master's Degree in International Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Action from the Universidad Oberta de Cataluña in collaboration with the Red Cross and a Degree in Law and International Relations from the Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio (Madrid). Before joining Forética, Beatriz has developed her professional career in the management of Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Action projects, both for large companies and Foundations, focusing on volunteering initiatives, international social projects and human rights in the value chain. As Project Manager at Forética, she collaborates in programs and projects related to social impact, health and sustainability, and volunteering. In addition, she leads the international area and is part of the development team of the SGE 21 certification scheme.
María Ordovás
Project Manager

María Ordovás

Senior Manager

María Ordovás holds an International Master's Degree in Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility from the Escuela de Organización Industrial (EOI) and a double degree in Law and Business Administration from the University of Valencia. She has different international experiences as part of her training, such as her stays in Milan, the United States and Thailand. She began her professional career in consulting working with companies from different sectors as a business consultant, then in two leading multinational organizations in the automotive sector and the pharmaceutical sector as a strategic business analyst collaborating in projects related to reporting, strategy and marketing. In Forética, as Project Manager, she is part of the good governance area with involvement in programs such as the Transparency, Good Governance and Integrity Cluster and participating in various technical projects and research reports for companies and organizations on CSR and sustainability.
Irene Alcocer
Project Manager

Irene Alcocer

Senior Manager

Irene Alcocer Bernal has a degree in Environmental Sciences from the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid and a Master in Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing from the Universidad de Oviedo. Before joining Forética, she has developed her professional career in public and private organizations in Spain, United Kingdom and Australia, carrying out projects in the field of ecology, land management and climate change. He has collaborated in scientific research with the Museum of Natural Sciences (CSIC), the Rey Juan Carlos University and the Autonomous University of Madrid, publishing several articles. As Project Manager at Forética she is part of initiatives such as Nature Business Ambition or the Action Group on Sustainability and CSR in Public Companies and follows up on the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda. She is also part of the development team of the SGE 21 certification scheme.
Clara Jiménez-Becerril
Project Manager

Pablo Garcia

Senior Manager

Pablo García holds a degree in Forestry Engineering from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) and a Master in Forestry, Water and Landscape Management from the Czech University of Life Sciences (CZU) in Prague. He started his professional career in software consultancy, to later develop his career within ESG consultancy, carrying out projects on circular economy, climate change, sustainable financing and renewable energies, among others. Currently, as Senior Manager of Forética, he leads the Nature Business Ambition initiative, while participating in other environmental programs related to circular economy, urban sustainability and sustainable food systems.
Eugenia Doval
Senior Manager

Eugenia Doval

Senior Manager

Eugenia Doval holds a degree in Environmental Engineering from Universidad Católica Argentina (UCA). Her postgraduate training includes a Master in Renewable Energies and Energy Sustainability (University of Barcelona), a postgraduate course in Strategic Management for Sustainable Development (UADE Foundation) and a postgraduate course in Circular Economy (EADA). Prior to joining Forética, Eugenia has developed her professional career in large multinational companies linked to various sectors, such as: oil exploration and exploitation as HES (Health, Environment & Safety) Management System intern; commercial property and agricultural management as Environmental Analyst; and the construction industry as Environmental Strategy and Sustainable Development Leader. Currently, Eugenia works as Senior Manager driving projects related to climate change and the development of sustainable cities. Additionally, she carries out technical and research projects related to ESG issues for companies and organizations.
Beatriz Laso
Project Manager

Marta Cámara

Project Manager

Marta Cámara Urios es abogada, cuenta con un Máster de Abogacía y un doble grado en Derecho y Administración y Dirección de Empresas por la Universidad de Valencia. Antes de su incorporación a Forética, Marta ha desarrollado su trayectoria profesional brindando asesoramiento legal a empresas como parte de dos grandes despachos de abogados y, más tarde, desarrollando e implantando proyectos de responsabilidad social como parte de una fundación. Como Project Manager en Forética forma parte del área social y la de buen gobierno y participa en proyectos técnicos y de investigación relacionados con regulación, reporting, impacto social o voluntariado corporativo entre otros.
Marta Carnero
Project Manager

Marta Carnero

Project Manager

Marta Carnero holds a bilingual degree in Finance and Accounting from Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and is currently completing an interuniversity master's degree in Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility from the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED) and the Universitat Jaume I. Before joining Forética, she developed her professional career in consulting, working on various projects in derivatives, tax, logistics and finance departments for financial institutions, companies in the energy and food and beverage sectors. As Project Manager at Forética, she collaborates on projects in the social and ethics and good governance areas. She is involved in projects related to the future of work, the SGE21 standard and participates in various technical and research projects related to CSR and sustainability for companies and organizations.
Lucero Balarín
Project Manager

Lucero Balarín

Project Manager

Lucero Balarín holds an International Master's Degree in Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility from the Escuela de Organización Industrial (EOI) and a degree in Psychology from the Universidad de San Martín de Porres. She has a degree in Public Policy and Gender from the Universidad Autónoma de México. Before joining Forética, Lucero has developed her professional career in the Peruvian financial sector managing Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Action projects, as well as dealing with institutional matters. As Project Manager at Forética she participates in environmental and social programs and initiatives around the topics of health and sustainability or the Sustainable Cities 2030 initiative, among others.
Camila Kauer
Project Manager

Camila Kauer

Project Manager

Camila Kauer García holds an International Master's Degree in Sustainable Development and Corporate Responsibility from the Escuela de Organización Industrial (EOI). She holds a Bachelor's degree in Global Business Administration from the University of Pittsburgh. He began his professional career in Washington DC, in a consulting firm implementing US government funded projects in LATAM and Africa to improve agricultural value chains, nutrition in local communities and regional food security. He also worked at the World Resources Institute, supporting the International Climate Action team to advance international cooperation in the implementation of the Paris Agreement and ensure ambitious actions to address climate change. She is currently Project Manager at Forética, being part of the development of the environmental area, promoting initiatives such as the Climate Change Cluster, Nature Business Ambition, and Sustainable Food Systems. She also participates in different technical projects and research reports for companies and organizations.
Sofia Bergareche
Project Manager

Sofia Bergareche

Project Manager

Sofía Bergareche holds a Master's degree in International Development and Humanitarian Emergencies from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) and a degree in Business Administration and International Relations from the Universidad Pontificia de Comillas (ICADE). Before joining Forética, she developed her professional career in consulting in Madrid, London and Mexico, working on digital transformation, sustainable value chain and regenerative agriculture projects, among others. As Project Manager at Forética, she collaborates in programs and initiatives in the environmental area, promoting projects related to climate change and circular economy.
Sofia Bergareche
Project Manager

Regina Zavala

Project Manager