
Forética's international positioning and network of alliances with different organizations and administrations allows it to be at the forefront of sustainability trends and make them available to its partners with solutions and services that maximize their positive contribution to the promotion of ESG aspects (environmental, social and good governance).


Forética is elected in 2014 by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD - World Business Council for Sustainable Development) as its sole representative in Spain.

Specifically, Forética leads the Spanish Business Council for Sustainable Development composed of Presidents and CEOs of the main national and multinational companies.

The WBCSD is the world's leading business platform for promoting the culture of sustainable development among the business community. It has more than 200 members including leading global companies from 35 countries and more than 20 different economic sectors. This represents some 19 million employees and an output of some $8.5 trillion.

In 2005, Forética became a Spanish member of CSR Europe and in 2008, it became a member of its Board of Directors. CSR Europe is the European network of companies that leads the promotion of CSR, bringing together more than 1,800 companies in its network of partners. The CSR Europe National Partners Network brings together more than 10,000 companies and stakeholders in 30 European countries.

Forética lidera el Grupo de Consulta de TNFD (Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures) en España. Este grupo sirve de encuentro para las empresas interesadas en entender mejor el marco de TNFD, identificar puntos de mejora y facilitar conocimiento específico a nivel nacional.

El TNFD es un grupo de trabajo para desarrollar y ofrecer un marco de gestión y divulgación de riesgos para que las organizaciones informen y actúen ante la evolución de los riesgos relacionados con la naturaleza. Su objetivo es apoyar un cambio en los flujos financieros mundiales hacia resultados positivos para la naturaleza.

Forética forma parte del Grupo de Trabajo sobre Desigualdad y Divulgación de Información Financiera (TISFD, por sus siglas en inglés) es una iniciativa global para desarrollar recomendaciones y orientaciones para que las empresas y las instituciones financieras comprendan e informen sobre los impactos, las dependencias, los riesgos y las oportunidades relacionadas con las personas.

El objetivo de TISFD es abordar las desigualdades y mejorar las condiciones de vida, ya que esto ofrece grandes oportunidades para las economías y los mercados, al fortalecer el capital social y la estabilidad, proporcionar datos útiles para la toma de decisiones, y establecer expectativas claras y coherentes para las empresas. Esto puede impulsar la innovación y la productividad, abrir nuevos mercados y mejorar la estabilidad financiera al empoderar a las personas y fortalecer sus medios económicos.

Forética joins forces with We Mean Business to promote 'The Climate Pledge' in Spain, an international initiative that promotes the joint alliance between companies, organizations and partners from different sectors to stop the climate crisis and solve the challenges of decarbonizing the economy. The Climate Pledge, founded by Amazon together with Global Optimism in 2019, calls on signatory companies to reach zero net carbon emissions by 2040, 10 years earlier than the Paris Agreement.

Since 2017, Forética has collaborated with AECID on various projects in Latin America to support different governments in the design and implementation of public policies on sustainability and social responsibility:

  • Costa Rica: National Policy on Social Responsibility (2017-2030), in collaboration with the Cabinet of the Presidency of Costa Rica.
  • Panama: National Diagnosis of the situation of Social Responsibility in Panama, National CSR and Human Rights Plan (2020-2030), Review of the National Plan considering the impact of COVID - 19, in collaboration with the Ministry of Commerce and Industry of Panama.
  • Salvador: Project "Development of priority instruments and pilot separation and recovery plans for integrated plastic management in El Salvador" and identification of successful experiences in responsible plastic management (2021).
  • Guatemala: National Framework of Reference on Human Rights and Business, in collaboration with CentraRSE, a reference organization in CSR in Guatemala (2020-2021).


Additionally, Forética has participated as a knowledge provider in the project 'Study on the contribution of the company to the Agenda of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)', promoted by the AECID in 2017.

Forética is a partner of the World Benchmarking Alliance (WBA) in Spain since 2019. WBA is an international organization building a movement to measure and incentivize business impact towards a sustainable future. Its work is focused on systems transformation, creating accountability mechanisms for the private sector on SDGs.

Forética joined the United Nations Global Compact in 2002, being one of the founding organizations and a member of the first coordination committee of the Global Compact in Spain in the same year, and subsequently a member of the first board of directors after the constitution of the Spanish Global Compact Association in 2004. As a signatory and partner of the Spanish Network of the United Nations Global Compact, Forética has been publishing the Progress Report since 2006, making visible its commitment to the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact.

In addition, it maximizes efforts in the dissemination of the 2030 Agenda by supporting all types of organizations, public and private, to help them align their strategy with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) according to their relevance to them, as well as their capacity for impact.

Forética is a national partner of Business for Nature, a global coalition that brings together companies and organizations for the conservation of natural capital. In collaboration with other interest groups, they promote the role of business in nature conservation, encouraging governments to adopt policies that will reverse the loss of nature in the next decade.

Forética mantiene una colaboración activa con esta institución internacional destinada a guiar a las empresas en la elaboración de sus memorias de sostenibilidad.

Forética se implica en la promoción activa de las líneas directrices del GRI, la participación en los procesos que desarrolle el organismo –tanto en el sistema de gobierno como en las actividades ad-hoc, como por ejemplo los grupos de trabajo-, así como la intervención en la elaboración de informes de sostenibilidad y revisión de las líneas base para la elaboración de memorias que ofrece el GRI.

Since 2012, Forética has been collaborating with the Strategic Partnerships Office of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), providing technical assistance and managing the CSR Innolabs project.

The IDB is one of the main sources of financing for development in Latin America and the Caribbean and supports the region's efforts to reduce poverty and inequality. Its goal is to achieve development in a sustainable and environmentally friendly manner. Its shareholders are the 48 member countries, including the 26 borrowing member countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, which are majority-owned by the IDB.

Forética is a coalition organization of the Capitals Coalition, a global collaboration that seeks to redefine systems and transform decision-making through natural and social capital. Member organizations collaborate through an extensive global network through which they share best practices, address collective challenges and co-design solutions.

Since 2020, Forética has been collaborating with the International Pay Equity Coalition (EPIC) as an ally in Spain through its Social Impact Cluster and its actions to promote gender equality in companies.

EPIC is a multi-stakeholder partnership with a view to contributing to the achievement of SDG Target 8.5 which focuses on equal pay for women and men for work of equal value, led by the ILO, UN-WOMEN and the OECD.

Forética is a collaborating entity of Disability Hub Europe, supporting the dissemination of the work carried out within the framework of this project and contributing to promote disability in the sustainability and CSR agendas.

This is a European initiative led by Fundación ONCE that aims to create a space of reference, exchange and mutual learning in Europe that contributes to the consolidation of the binomial Disability and Sustainability.

Since 2021, Forética has been collaborating with the World Compliance Association (WCA) through the Transparency, Good Governance and Integrity Cluster.

WCA is an international non-profit association of professionals and organizations interested in the field of Compliance.

Since 2017, Forética has been a collaborating organization in this international event of reference in the field of sustainable cities. It is a meeting point for cities, experts, companies and entrepreneurs, aimed at creating synergies and promoting new smart urban solutions.

Forética has organized various meetings within the framework of this event, with the aim of disseminating the results of its projects on climate change and urban sustainability.

Since 2018, Forética has been a partner of this international reference meeting on climate change -organized by the World Bank with the support of the governments of Spain and Germany- disseminating the results of the Climate Change Cluster 's work in different sessions organized within the framework of the forum.

Innovate4Climate's main objective is to serve as a meeting point between government, business and financial leaders from around the world related to the fight against climate change, in order to achieve greater public-private collaboration that can contribute to increase the necessary climate investment derived from the Paris Agreement.

Forética and Amfori have signed an agreement to jointly promote the values and principles of corporate social responsibility through the dissemination of good practices and the support and continuous training of its members.

The Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI) is the Corporate Social Responsibility initiative established in 2003 by the Foreign Trade Association (FTA), which represents more than 1,800 companies in promoting free market values and sustainable supply chains.

Forética is part of the Planetary Health Alliance, a coalition of more than 250 member institutions from over 50 countries. It aims to promote, mobilize and lead an inclusive, transdisciplinary field of planetary health and its diverse sciences, stories, solutions and communities to achieve the Great Transition, a comprehensive change in the way humans interact with each other and with Nature.

From the Health and Sustainability Action Group, this collaboration allows us to advance the integration of the health of people and the planet as a priority in the sustainability agendas of companies.

Forética is one of the 100 institutional members of this leading academic forum, which is an alliance between companies, business schools and educational institutions.

Forética, a través de su iniciativa Nature Business Ambition, es aliado de Science-Based Targets Network (SBTN). Además, como miembro de su Corporate Engagement Program, participa en el desarrollo de los métodos, herramientas y orientaciones de la organización.

El objetivo de SBTN es contribuir a crear una economía global en la que empresas y ciudades operen dentro de los límites de la Tierra y satisfagan al mismo tiempo las necesidades de la sociedad, mediante el establecimiento de objetivos científicos para transformar su impacto. Para ello, SBTN se centra en cuatro reinos de la naturaleza: suelo, agua dulce, océanos y biodiversidad.

Other international collaborations

Forética. Logos Soups. Alliances

Forética maintains a continuous link with the Presidency of the Government through the National Office of Foresight and Long-Term Country Strategy, collaborating very actively in the development of the Spain 2050 Strategy, both in the previous drafting process and through its contribution to the current National Dialogue.

In addition, since 2020, Forética has been part of the Alianza País Pobreza Infantil Cero (Zero Child Poverty Country Alliance) promoted by the High Commission against Child Poverty, which reports organically to the Presidency of the Government, to whom it transfers the results of its initiatives in terms of social impact. The purpose of this Alliance is to encourage participation and the creation of alliances among all social actors to work towards a common vision: a Spain in which all children and adolescents have the same opportunities for the future regardless of the conditions of their birth.

Currently, the Ministry of Labor and Social Economy is collaborating as an institutional partner in the 'JOBS 2030' project, focused on supporting and raising the profile of business action towards a more sustainable and ethical Future of Work.

Forética has worked closely with the Ministry, forming part of the State CSR Council as an expert member, obtaining the Seal of Entrepreneurship and Youth Employment, organizing a large number of events and projects with its collaboration, and participating in the preparation of the Spanish CSR Strategy, among other actions.

In 2015, Forética signed an agreement with this Ministry with the aim of collaborating in the field of knowledge generation, development and dissemination of best practices, participation in working groups and forums for the promotion of sustainability. In addition, within this Ministry, Forética maintains a very active collaboration with the Spanish Office for Climate Change.

In 2021, Forética signed two protocols with the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training to collaborate in the 'Alliance for Vocational Training. Una estrategia de país' and in the 'Alianza STEAM por el talento femenino. Girls on a scientific footing'. The aim of these initiatives is to develop actions, join forces and seek synergies between the different agents in society (companies, organizations and institutions) to promote both issues.

In 2015, Forética signed an agreement with this Ministry with the aim of promoting responsible and sustainable management and its link with health, as well as encouraging the solidarity participation of company workers in volunteer activities in collaboration with entities in this field.

In 2015, Forética signed a General Collaboration Protocol with the Civil Guard, with the aim of establishing the main lines of specific action in the field of collaboration between both institutions on sustainability, such as preserving, analyzing and studying the concepts of Ethical Management and Social Responsibility, in order to contribute to their knowledge, dissemination and consolidation within the Civil Guard.

Forética es socio estratégico de la Iniciativa Española Empresa y Biodiversidad, liderada por la Fundación Biodiversidad, que nació en 2013 con el objetivo de impulsar, junto con el sector empresarial, un desarrollo económico que integre la conservación de la biodiversidad, así como facilitar un marco sólido de cooperación entre las grandes empresas, ONG, asociaciones y la Administración para la mejora y mantenimiento del capital natural en España.

Forética signed an agreement in 2017 with the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP), with the aim of developing institutional collaboration activities on specific issues related to environmental sustainability in the urban environment, with a special focus on circular economy and climate change in cities.

In 2009, more than 30 organizations and financial institutions re-founded Spainsif, a benchmark platform for sustainable and responsible investment in Spain, which Forética began to promote in May 2008 together with seven other organizations. Forética is a founding member of Spainsif, having held the first general secretariat of the organization and subsequently its presidency, and collaborates with the organization in promoting the integration of environmental, social and good governance criteria in investment policies, contributing to sustainable development.

Forética is a collaborating entity of Finresp, the Spanish Center for Responsible and Sustainable Finance, promoted by the Spanish Banking Association (AEB), CECA, the Association of Collective Investment Institutions and Pension Funds (INVERCO), the National Union of Credit Cooperatives (Unacc) and the Spanish Union of Insurance and Reinsurance Entities (UNESPA).

Forética collaborates with Finresp to promote the sustainable investment and finance agenda in Spain, from an environmental, social and good governance perspective.

Forética is a signatory organization of the Diversity Charter, an initiative promoted by the Diversity Foundation and the European Commission, thus making visible its commitment to diversity and inclusion in the workplace. The initiative has more than 1,000 companies and organizations in Spain and more than 12,000 in the European Union.

In 2020, Forética joined EsAgua, a Spanish network of organizations committed to the sustainable use of water and the water footprint, as a collaborating entity. The collaboration between Forética and EsAgua is a call for commitment and action by companies to achieve responsible management of this resource and enhance the role of the private sector in this area.

Forética and Fundación Botín have signed a collaboration agreement to promote the Talento Solidario program, which seeks to strengthen alliances between the business and social sectors. The objective of this agreement is to generate spaces for meeting and mutual knowledge between more than 200 organizations associated with Forética and more than 250 social entities that belong to the Solidarity Talent Network.

Other national collaborations:

Sopas de Logos. National Alliances