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Hub #SustainabilityNG

We present the #SostenibilidadNG information Hub, developed by Forética to provide, from the perspective of business sustainability, a single space with all the latest information on the NextGenerationEU Program and the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan for Spain.

The European Council approved on June 21, 2020 the creation of the NextGenerationEU program, the largest economic stimulus instrument ever funded by the European Union, in response to the unprecedented crisis caused by the coronavirus. It aims to respond in a joint and coordinated manner to one of the worst social and economic crises in our history and to help repair the damage caused by the pandemic.

With these funds, the post-COVID-19 Europe must be greener, more digital and more resilient to the changes and challenges of the future.

Within the framework of the NextGenerationEU initiative, two financial instruments are being created:

European Recovery and Resilience Mechanism (ERM): The Facility provides the 27 Member States with support through direct transfers and loans to increase public investments and undertake reforms that contribute to the recovery of the economy and employment and address the main economic and social challenges post-COVID. It is endowed with €672.5 billion to support reforms and investments undertaken by EU countries from February 2020. Through this mechanism, Spain will access a total of €140 billion between 2021 and 2026, of which nearly €70 billion will be in the form of transfers.

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Recovery Assistance for Cohesion and Territories in Europe (REACT-EU): These resources will be implemented through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the European Social Fund (ESF) and the Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived Persons (FEAD).

Recovery Plan for Europe
NextGenerationEU: Green, digital, healthy, strong and egalitarian
Forética hub, Sustainability, Plants
Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan in Spain
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How to access the funds?
Forética, hub, sustainability and plans

Spain has presented a Plan that is structured around four transversal axes with the aim of structuring the transformation of the economy as a whole and which are aligned with the strategic agendas of the EU, the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations:

  • Ecological transition
  • Digital transformation
  • Gender equality
  • Social and territorial cohesion

These pillars are intended to guide the entire recovery process, inspiring the structural reforms and investments to be implemented, with the ultimate goal of restoring growth, promoting business creation and accelerating job creation.

The Plan is finally articulated in a set of investments to be carried out almost entirely between 2021 and 2023 and in a program of structural and legislative reforms aimed at addressing the main challenges facing our country.

European funds for recovery: impact on spain

Plan guidelines

A Green Spain

Consult all the information related to the ecological transition published by the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (PRTR). You will find in this space the content of the plan, the aids and investments in force and the participation actions that are being carried out.

Recovery Plan: Ecological Transition

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Project Managers

Germán Granda
Chief Executive Officer
Rocío Buendía
Director of Communications and Institutional Relations

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