Este año se llevó a cabo el primer análisis de la aplicación del Acuerdo de París, conocido como el “Global Stocktake” (balance mundial en español), que concluyó en la COP28 con un acuerdo final consensuado por los casi 200 países que participaron en la Conferencia. El Global Stocktake es un proceso de dos años que tiene lugar cada cinco, con el objetivo de evaluar el progreso colectivo hacia la consecución de los objetivos climáticos.
El acuerdo alcanzado describe el compromiso de dejar atrás los combustibles fósiles de forma justa, ordenada y equitativa para lograr las cero emisiones en 2050.
Para impulsar y amplificar la voz empresarial, desde el Clúster de Cambio Climático de Forética hemos seguido los avances de la Cumbre, participando presencialmente y virtualmente en los distintos encuentros, y hemos contribuido al ambicioso programa de acción para la COP28 de nuestro partner World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) y otras organizaciones de referencia en el ámbito climático.
«Forética, en representación de nuestros más de 200 miembros en España, acude a la COP28 con el objetivo de impulsar la ambición empresarial hacia las cero emisiones netas, reconociendo al mismo tiempo la importancia primordial de la naturaleza y las personas en esta transición. Reconocemos firmemente que preservar y restaurar la naturaleza es esencial para la biodiversidad y la resiliencia de los ecosistemas y el bienestar y la prosperidad de las comunidades de todo el mundo».
Germán Granda, General Director of Forética
¿Qué es la COP?
La COP es la conferencia anual de las Naciones Unidas (ONU) sobre el cambio climático. Se conoce como la “Conferencia de las Partes” y reúne a líderes mundiales, ministros y negociadores para acordar cómo hacer frente al cambio climático. Las partes negociadoras son los gobiernos que han firmado el UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), el Protocolo de Kioto y/o el Acuerdo de París.
A las COP también asisten miles de representantes de la sociedad civil, el sector privado, las organizaciones internacionales y los medios de comunicación. Este año, se estima que participaran más de 70.000 delegados, representando a más de 197 países.
Desde 2015, las COP han girado en torno a cómo aplicar el Acuerdo de París, que tiene tres objetivos principales:
- Mantener el aumento de la temperatura media mundial “muy por debajo” de 2º C y proseguir los esfuerzos para limitar el aumento a 1,5º C por encima de los niveles preindustriales.
- Adaptarse al cambio climático y aumentar la resiliencia.
- Alinear los flujos de financiación con “una senda hacia bajas emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero y un desarrollo resiliente al clima”.
A continuación, presentamos los principales contenidos generados en torno a la COP desde la perspectiva de las empresas. Enfrentamos un momento crítico para dar un paso adelante en la agenda de desarrollo sostenible, aumentando la ambición, acelerando la acción y potenciando las alianzas que impulsen una profunda transformación de los sistemas en el actual contexto de emergencia climática.
Not to miss anything...
Action Campaigns
Forética supports the unified call on world leaders tocommit at COP28 to triple global renewable energy renewable energy capacity to at least 11,000 GW by 2030. 2030.
In an open letter, more than 125 companies, representing almost $1 trillion in annual global trillion dollars in annual global revenues, call on the Heads of State and Government attending Heads of State and Government attending COP28 to address the root cause of climate change: burning fossil fuels. of climate change: the burning of fossil fuels. The signatories call on leaders to establish clear targets and deadlines to reduce and phase out* fossil fuels. fossil fuelsand back it up with policies that enable the rapid enable the rapid expansion of clean energy.
Global campaign that brings together non-state actors (companies, cities, regions, financial, educational and health institutions), cities, regions, financial, educational, and health institutions) to take rigorous and immediate to take rigorous and immediate action to reduce the reduce global emissions by half by 2030 and to reduce them y and achieve a healthier and fairer carbon-free world.
More than 100 senior executives who are part of one of the world's leading leading CEO-led communities CEOs and committed to to zero net emissions, signed an open letter ahead of the COP28 climate conference. COP28 climate conference. In it, they call on public and private sector and private sector leaders to accelerate accelerate action towards net net-zero emissions to reduce carbon emissions for the benefit of benefit society, public health and the global economy.
The Climate Drive, managed by the WBCSD, is the first open and centralized digital open, centralized digital platform for accelerating climate action. It was created to provide companies with knowledge and solutions to decarbonize their to decarbonize their businesses and value chains. To increase its reach, Forética participated in the translation of the Net Zero Guidebook into Spanish. The translation will be published by the start of COP28.
The COP28 Presidency is aware of the ability of the private sector to play a crucial role in correcting the course of climate change. to play a crucial role in correcting the course of global climate action. of global climate action. This letter serves to encourage organizations to organizations to make public commitments and net-zero emissions targets emissions targets, backed by high integrity and quality, produce credible and transparent transition plans, and publish regular, accurate, comprehensive and and transparent reporting on their progress on a regular, accurate, comprehensive and transparent basis. progress.
Read here the 'Net Zero Transition Charter'.
- Zona azul - Organizado por UNFCCC
- Zona verde - Organizado por la Presidencia de la COP28
- Green Renewables Alliance
- Spain Pavilion
This year, COP28 is being organized in Dubai, UAE in conjunction with the UNFCCCSecretariat . UNFCCC SECRETARIATsecretariat, and the High-Levels Champions. The theme of the two-week conference focuses on the vision of the presidency.
- Accelerating the energy transition and reduce emissions by 2030
- Transforming climate financeby delivering on old promises andsetting the framework for a new climate financeagreement .
- Place nature, people nature, people, lives and livelihoodslives and livelihoods at the center ofclimateaction .
- Movilizarnos para lograr la COP más inclusiva de la historia
Key reports published by Forética and its partners within the framework of COP28
- COP28 - Agenda for finance events
- Spanish Presidency - Climate finance: the Council adopts Conclusions in view of to COP28
- European Council - Financing the climate transition
- World Resources Institute - What it takes to attract private investment in climate adaptation adaptation
- Climate Policy Initiative - The Global Climate Finance Climate Finance: A Decade of Data data
- Fortune - It's time to transform climate finance and close its $2.4 trillion 2.4 trillion gap
- AFP - Los líderes mundiales del sector de la salud promueven la descarbonización antes de la celebración de la COP28
- COP28 - Health events agenda, relief, recovery and peace
- Forética - Health and Wellness 2030. Climate change Climate change and health. The new frontier of sustainability.
- World Health Organization - On on the eve of the first Health Day of the COP-28, leaders COP-28, leaders highlight the crucial intersection between intersection between health and climate
- World Health Organization - We must one of the greatest threats to global health global health: climate change
- COP28 - Acuerdo Final
- Highlights COP28 - 1ª semana (30 nov - 6 dic) - 12 conclusiones clave para las empresas
- WBCSD - CEO Guide to the Climate-related Corporate Performance and Accountability System (CPAS)
- WBCSD - Key Announcement Highlights from WBCSD@COP28
- Euro News - COP28 | Aprobada la creación de un fondo de pérdidas y daños para compensar a los países vulnerables
- COP28 – Accountability Mobilization for the Private Sector
- WRI - Benchmarks for Success for COP28
- COP28 – Declaración sobre hidrogeno
- AIE – Análisis de declaraciones en COP28
- COP28 – Global Cooling Pledge
- COP28 - Declaración de Clima y Salud
- Banco Mundial – Medidas para reducción de metano
- IRENA - Las empresas eléctricas mundiales declaran un plan de acción conjunto para impulsar la transición energética en la COP28
- COP28 - Agenda of events on nature, land use, and ocean
- Forética - The moment of nature, steps to be 'Nature Positive'.
- World Business Alliance - Nature Benchmark 2023
- FAO - The State of the World's Forests 2022
- COP28 - Agenda of events on food, agriculture, and water
- World Business Alliance - 2023 Food and Agriculture Benchmark
- Green Network - COP28 Highlights the Food Systems Systems and Agriculture Agenda
- FAO - FAO Plan of Action 2022-2025 on climate change
- Climate Champions - For the sake of people people, climate and nature, we must work together to together to transform what and how we grow and consume. we grow and consume.
FAO – Hoja de Ruta Global
EFE Agro - Cinco países se alían en la COP28 para transformar los sistemas alimentarios
- COP28 - Agenda for technology events
- Forética- Energy Transition in cities: The levers of change towards transformation
- Forética - The European and National Context of the Energy Transition
- Forética - Companies in the energy transition towards decarbonization
- GRA - Tripling Renewable Power and Doubling Energy Efficiency by 2030, Crucial Steps Towards 1.5°C Steps Towards 1.5°C
- WEC - How greater energy ambition can rescue COP28
- WBCSD - Climate & Energy
What we expect from COP28
Leadership to accelerate
When companies share a common agenda, they can reach across the entire value chain, and when that agenda is forward-looking , ambitious and optimistic, it can drive the transformation of entire systems. Vision 2050 provides companies with this shared vision.
It defines the world we want to create and establishes the roadmap and actions that will make it a reality. Companies lead by unequivocally recognizing the urgent need for change, defending the facts that support this urgency, and being open and realistic about the necessary transformations ahead.
Systems thinking will be at the foundation of progress toward our Vision. It will open eyes to the macro trends, disruptions and innovations that shape the world in which companies operate; to the risks to resilience and future profits; and to the dependence of companies on the stability and success of other industries and institutions, communities and ecosystems.
Systems thinking will drive us to be both bold and humble, confident that we can transform systems to achieve a more sustainable world, with a clear vision of the partnerships on which progress will depend.
Our current systems will not achieve a world in which more than 9 billion people can live well, within the limits of the planet. We have to change our mindset: about the purpose of business, about what it means to be resilient, and about how we can operate regeneratively rather than destructively.
These transformation paths demand the adaptation of our sectors, providing companies with the keys to mitigate transition risks, reduce the costs of change and safeguard the capacity for long-term value creation. Sustainability becomes the key to the success of organizations in the future.