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ESG Expert Program

ESG Expert Program

The main objective of this program is to provide participants with the tools and knowledge necessary to address current and future sustainability challenges. The program will delve into key topics such as the impact of climate change, the promotion of the circular economy and nature, the responsible management of human rights and new developments in reporting reporting. Participants will develop practical and strategic skills to implement real solutions in their organizations and actively contribute to a more sustainable and resilient future.



    • Los asuntos de sostenibilidad más relevantes para la agenda empresarial
    • Avances a nivel europeo, nacional y empresarial
    • The sustainability business case, why is it relevant for your company?
    • Presentation of a guest company's sustainability strategy




    • Context and key trends in environmental sustainability
    • Defining the environmental business strategy
    • Corporate strategies towards Net Zero
    • The moment of nature: "Nature positive" goal
    • Circular economy as a cross-cutting solution
    • Presentation of a case study of the invited company.
    • Dinámica interactiva: "Integrando los retos ambientales en la estrategia empresarial"




    • Panorama de tendencias sociales 
    • Nueva regulación europea:

      • Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive

      • Reglamento sobre trabajo forzoso

    • Cómo desarrollar un sistema de debida diligencia en derechos humanos
    • Presentation of a real case of the invited company.




  • Principales novedades del nuevo marco de reporte europeo: Directiva de Reporte de Sostenibilidad – CSRD 

          • Trasposición al ordenamiento español 

  • Dinámica o ejercicio práctico
  • Presentation of a real case of the invited company

September call:  

September 18 and 19, 2024, from 10:30 am to 1:30 pm and from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm

📍 Hotel Room Mate Oscar (Pl. de Pedro Zerolo, 12, Centro, 28004 Madrid)

Members of Forética: 880 € (VAT exempted)

Non-members of Forética: 1.200 € (VAT exempt)

30% discount for unemployed persons and students.

To register for the course, you must fill in the form available below and wait for the confirmation e-mail in which we will indicate the next steps to proceed with the registration.

*Este curso tiene un número de plazas limitado a 30 alumnos por convocatoria y serán asignadas según orden de solicitud. Consulta aquí la Política de cancelación de los cursos.

Inscripciones cerradas. Aforo completo

Este formulario está destinado a formalizar la inscripción. Si lo que deseas es más información, por favor, escríbenos un correo electrónico a academy@foretica.es y responderemos a la mayor brevedad.

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ESG Academy

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ESG Expert Program

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ESG Academy

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Forética organizes and offers training for professionals and companies in the field of sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR).