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New business roadmap for just transition in Europe
  • Forética launches together with CSR Europe the 'toolbox' for European companies to help them develop a comprehensive just transition plan, as an essential element in their business model.

Forética, together with the European organization CSR Europe -as its partner in Spain-, launched today the 'toolbox' to promote just transition in European companies. The aim of this initiative is to help companies address a business roadmap for just transition in Europe, providing them with practical strategies and methodologies.

The methodologies included in the 'toolbox' support companies in developing a comprehensive just transition plan forall their stakeholders and building a just transition narrative, integrating it into their business model. The initiative is part of the 'People Leaders Hub' platform launched by CSR Europe in 2022 with the collaboration of Forética, which was supported by the European Commissioner for Employment and Social Rights, Nicolas Schmit.

"A strategic response is needed from organizations, addressing mechanisms to promote a just transition in adapting to digitalization and climate emergency, to generate higher levels of quality employability and more development opportunities for the most vulnerable. Through the 'JOBS 2030 - Future of Work' project , from Forética we promote business action from the highest level of commitment in this area," highlights Ricardo Trujillo, Director of Social Impact and Human Capital at Forética.

In the words of Stefan Crets, Executive Director of CSR Europe: "Environmental transition and just transition must go hand in hand when it comes to tackling the rest of inequality. This is why we advocate a 'European Green and Social Pact' that leaves no one behind, especially the younger generations, who are the most exposed."

From the national perspective, within the framework of the 'JOBS 2030 - Future of Work' project , Forética has recently presented the Spanish Observatory for Green Jobs and Just Transition. The report provides concrete data showing the importance of the green transition and its impact on jobs. It also includes relevant figures on traditional and strategic green sectors to accelerate this transition in the Spanish economy.

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