Forética has held a meeting with the General Director of Environmental Quality and Assessment of the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (MITECO), Marta Gómez Palenque, to analyze the main lines of collaboration in the promotion of the circular economy, after Forética was appointed member of the Ministry's Advisory Council on Circular Economy.
The Spanish Circular Economy Strategy (EEEC) establishes the creation of this Council, whose constitution meeting took place last December 15, to allow the active participation of all the agents involved that show a clear and unequivocal commitment to implement a circular and sustainable economic model.
Forética is one of the 30 social and economic agents, waste managers, consumers and research centers that will analyze the results of the 2021-23 Action Plan of the Spanish Circular Economy Strategy.
This Council, led by the Directorate General for Environmental Quality and Assessment together with the Subdirectorate General for the Circular Economy, is one of the five governance bodies established within the Strategy to ensure compliance with the challenges set out in the plan for 2023 and to draw up proposals for improvement for the next Action Plan for the 2024-2026 period.
As Raquel Canales, Manager of Forética's Circular Economy Action Group, points out, "the current ecosystem of public policies at the national level is a turning point to move towards a more efficient economic model for the planet and people. All this in a context in which, as the roadmap 'Vision 2050. The time for transformation' -launched within the framework of the Spanish Business Council for Sustainable Development-, one of the key systemic transformations in the so-called 'Decade of Action' is to transform the way we use products and materials".
With the aim of promoting this transition from a business perspective, Forética leads the Circular Economy Action Group, formed by 15 companies, which included in this positioning document the recommendations to accelerate business action towards a more circular Spain in 2030, articulated under three axes that will be key to the change of model: improving governance, accelerating action and promoting impact alliances.
You can consult here other works resulting from the Task Force.