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Forética addresses business contribution to the development of sustainable cities as a key to green and inclusive recovery
  • Forética presents the report 'Sustainable construction: Why it is key to the green recovery of cities' in the framework of the 'Sustainable Cities 2030' project, with 25 companies and allied entities.
  • The document, presented today at the Smart City Expo World Congress in Barcelona, identifies five types of sustainable solutions and responses from companies in the construction sector: certifications that promote sustainable construction; the use of renewable energies and the improvement of energy efficiency; the commitment to the circular economy and the sustainable use of resources; the development of more sustainable and resilient infrastructure; and innovation and technology as an opportunity for sustainability.
  • The 'Sustainable Cities 2030' project seeks to enhance the business contribution to the development of sustainable cities in Spain and to highlight the importance of public-private collaboration to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals in urban environments (specifically, SDG 11), in alliance with leading national and international organizations.

Forética presents the report Sustainable construction: why is it key to the green recovery of cities?published in the framework of the project 'Sustainable Cities 2030' project.The report is a partnership between a total of 25 companies and entities, led by ASPRIMA, CEMEX, ENGIE, GSK and Sanitas. The project, in alliance with leading international and national organizations, seeks to promote the business contribution to the development of sustainable cities in Spain and to highlight the importance of public-private collaboration to achieve a resilient, inclusive, healthy and sustainable city model, in line with Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 11.

With the exponential growth of the urban population and estimates projecting it to reach nearly 70% of the world's population by 2050, the report highlights the importance of promoting sustainability in the design and construction of buildings and infrastructure. The construction sector plays a key role in facilitating the adaptation of cities to the foreseeable impacts of climate change, a key element in achieving the objectives set out in the European Green Pact and in Spain's Climate Change and Energy Transition Law.

Germán Granda, Managing Director of Forética, states: "The construction sector is considered one of the key sectors for recovery from the COVID-19 crisis due to its potential to contribute to a green transition, favor a reactivation of the economy, promote greater social cohesion and its capacity to generate employment (both direct and indirect jobs). Sustainable construction, undoubtedly one of the sector's clear commitments, can generate a series of economic, social and environmental benefits and opportunities. In this context, the public and private sectors are faced with the opportunity to build and conceive cities in which social development and environmental sustainability are included in decision-making. At the same time, public-private collaboration is necessary to allow for an adequate and agile implementation of these regulations and concrete action plans".

Juan José de la Colina, Head of the 'Sustainable Cities 2030' project at Forética, adds: "In this report we identify five types of sustainable solutions and responses from companies in the sector to the challenges they face at the environmental and social level: certifications that promote sustainable construction; the use of renewable energies and the improvement of energy efficiency for decarbonization; the commitment to the circular economy and the sustainable use of resources; the development of more sustainable and resilient infrastructures through nature-based solutions; and innovation and technology as an opportunity for sustainability."

From a regulatory perspective, various initiatives at the European level -such as the European Directive on energy efficiency-or at the national level -such as the Long-term Strategy for energy rehabilitation in the building sector in Spain-highlight the public support for the construction sector as a key player in ensuring the development of more sustainable cities.

In addition, within the Spanish Government's Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, in the first of the Lever Policies, is the "Housing Rehabilitation and Urban Regeneration Plan". In the first phase of the Plan (2021 - 2023), rehabilitation and regeneration will be one of the sectors receiving the most aid and investment, with around 6,280 million (around 10% of the total investment).

Ambition, action and partnerships for more sustainable cities

Julia Moreno, Manager of Forética's 'Sustainable Cities 2030' initiative, highlights: "Within the framework of this initiative, this year Forética has worked with leading companies and participants, belonging to different sectors of activity, in the generation of knowledge in line with the most important national and international trends with the aim of guiding companies and cities to raise the level of ambition and develop more sustainable and resilient urban environments. In addition, we facilitate access to reference information and success stories that inspire action, and we establish alliances and spaces for dialogue between leading organizations, public administration, experts and other stakeholders in the field of urban sustainability".

The business meeting organized in the framework of the 'Sustainable Cities 2030' initiative was inaugurated by the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda, with the intervention of Isabel Pardo de Vera, Secretary of State for Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda.

The international vision was provided by Alice Charles, Lead of Cities, Infrastructure & Urban Services of the World Economic Forum, who presented the most important global trends at the business level in the field of urban sustainability.

From the local perspective, Esperanza Caro, General Director of Sustainable Development, Financing and External Action of the Seville City Council, and Federico Jiménez de Parga, General Coordinator of Mobility of the Environment and Mobility Area of the Madrid City Council, took part in the event.

In addition, the meeting heard high-impact experiences from leading companies in the initiative in sustainable construction, addressed by Daniel Cuervo, General Director of ASPRIMA, and Marcelo Catalá, VP Urbanization Solutions for EMEAA at CEMEX, and public-private collaboration, with Catherine Cummings, CSR and Institutional Relations Director at Sanitas, and Tomás Domínguez, Industry and Infrastructure Director at ENGIE.

The 'Sustainable Cities 2030' project is led by Forética and is made up of a total of 25 companies and entities, headed by ASPRIMA, CEMEX, ENGIE, GSK and Sanitas. Also participating in the project are Accenture, AECLU, Universidad CEU San Pablo, Correos, Endesa, FCC, Ferrovial, Fundación Juan XXIII, HEINEKEN, Metro Ligero Oeste, Metrovacesa, Naturgy, OHLA, Sacyr, Santander and Urbaser.

As allies, the World Business Council for Sustainable Development(WBCSD) forms part of the initiative at a global level, at a national level the National Environmental Congress (CONAMA), and at a local level the Castellana Norte Madrid District and the Madrid World Capital of Construction, Engineering and Architecture association. Forética also maintains strategic alliances with important international meetings in this field, such as the Smart City Expo World Congress or the Cities Forum, in its various editions.

In its trajectory on Sustainable Cities, this year Forética has launched the report 'Rethinking our cities. Towards a new model of sustainable urban development', which identifies six levers of action towards a more sustainable and inclusive city model in the context of post-CO2 recovery.which identifies six levers for action towards a more sustainable and inclusive city model in the context of post-COVID-19 recovery. It also has projects such as the Toolbox for adaptation to climate change in cities' , in collaboration with the Biodiversity collaboration with the Biodiversity Foundation of the Ministry of Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, aimed at city councils at the national level to develop their strategies and actions for adaptation to climate change. Also the project Sustainable Living in Cities' projecthighlighting best practices in CSR linked to urban sustainability, with the collaboration of the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP) and the Spanish Climate Change Office of the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge.

Read the report here 'Sustainable construction - why is it key to the green recovery of cities?'

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